When the Village of Hope was born, there was only one small nursery built in the area of family homes.
Over the years, the children have been getting bigger and many others have joined the Village. For this reason, it was important to build the primary school first, and then the secondary school a bit later, in order to give to our children the possibility to study. The choice was made to build a school open to both the children of the Village and the children living in the surrounding areas, so as to favour the integration of the all children together.
The primary school pupils have now reached the incredible number of 700 children!
The last great work was the creation of a large part of the secondary school, which today counts more than 500 students.
When the project was born, nobody dared to hope that the VOH children could finish the primary school cycle with such a good clinical situation. Now that the miracle of health is realised, the children, now adolescents, ask us to help them take off and leave the safe nest of the Village to start an adult life.
There were many problems and difficulties that the administrators and volunteers of the Village of Hope had to overcome for the construction of this school and now, like a flower in the desert, the school is there; and where before there was only brushwood, now the laboratories, the classes, the refectories, the first hostels can shine: the school was ready to welcome the first eighty students on 4th January 2010.